The whole site used to
look like this. Tres 1994, huh? Still, this is what it was like, way back then ...
Eventually, I'll update
it all.
For (relatively) recent
articles, head back over here.
Dreams (Tales, Advocate, 1/97)
dissection of Wired Style (Advocate, 12/96)
tribute to the late Carl Sagan (Voice, 1/97)
Gets (even more) Politically Incorrect (sorta timeless.)
You can find some of our stuff over at the site
of the publisher of the New Haven Advocate
(mostly Jeff's book reviews.)
More archives:
Our somewhat squirrely look at the
goings-on at a Big, Important Internet powow (Advocate, 8/96), and
Netiquette and Things Not to Tell
Your Mom ...(Advocate, 7/96.) We also offer:
Nicole's review of Laura Lisle's Without
Child: Challenging the Stigma of Childlessness (American Reporter, 7/96.)
- Don't Look Back, P.J.
...: Jeff's somewhat savage review of "Age and Guile Beat Youth,
Innocence and a Bad Haircut: 25 Years of P.J. ORourke" by you-know-who.
(American Reporter, 5/96.)
- "Dear Ann, Get
Wired",Tales from the Bitstream, (New Haven Advocate and
Elsewhere, 4/96.) Oddly enough, this column ended up being quoted in USA Today
- Of Web Wars and Mail
Bombs A disquieting look behind the ideology of free speech on the Internet,
by Jeff (New Haven Advocate and Elsewhere, 4/96.)
- Cyberculture Hurts
Nicole's review of "Escape Velocity: Cyberculture at the End of the Century,"
by Mark Dery (American Reporter, 4/96.)
Still some shelflife, pending reorganization
The Net Gods Must be
Crazy, Tales from the Bitstream, (New Haven Advocate and Elsewhere, 3/96.)
A Revisionist History
of Snow in New England, by Nicole (Voice, 2/96.)
Science as a Candle
in the Dark, A review of Carl Sagan's latest book by Jeff (American Reporter,
Onward and upward (Yes, we've been at this
- "Weird Web (expletive
deleted)" You Want Strange? We Got Strange (Tales, Advocate, 2/96)
- "Living in
Cyberspace" How We Got Here from There, by Jeff (Advocate, 9/21/95) The original
introduction to Tales, under revision.
- "Kaffeeklatsch
Internationale" IRC Madness (Advocate, 12/95)
- "Tales":
Here and There (Advocate, 11/95)
- "Sic 'Em,
Fido": The debut "Tales" (Advocate, 11/95)
- "Chicks in Space"
by Nicole (Advocate, 11/95)
- "To AOHell and
Back" by Jeff (Advocate 10/5/95)
- "Who Needs Windows
95?" by Jeff (Advocate 9/95)
- "Surfing
Cyberspace" by Nicole (Voice 7/95)
- "Math Phobic? Dial
1-800-5(3xy-9/7m)(8/9x+3ab)/8" by Nicole (Voice 10/95)
- "Campaign '96
Update: Strangeness in the Southlands" by Jeff (Advocate 11/95)
- Jeff's resume He is
no longer available for full-time work, as noted above, but continues to accept freelance
writing assignments. ...
Our Lives - Still In The Beta Version:
All articles copyright
You can reach us by e-mail at: jeffbot at this domain
Some of our Favorite Places:
- Alternet:
Home of Alternative Journalism.
- Afterhours
HotWired: The Sucksters at Play.
- The American Reporter: Where we do
the occasional book review ...
- The
Rapture Index: Incredibly, this person has come up with A Way to Tell, on any
given day, just how fast we are approaching the "End Times." This
makes us giggle uncontrollably just to think about, and we saw no reason not to share it.
The address, again, is: jeffbot at this domain