The whole site used tolook like this. Tres 1994, huh? Still, this is what it was like, way back then ... Atleast I got rid of the NASTY midi file. What the hell was I thinking?
Eventually, I'll updateit all.
For (relatively) recentarticles, head back over here.
It started here ... (Tales, Advocate, 1995 sometime ...)
'NetDreams (Tales, Advocate, 1/97)
Adissection of Wired Style (Advocate, 12/96)
Nicole'stribute to the late Carl Sagan (Voice, 1/97)
NicoleGets (even more) Politically Incorrect (sorta timeless.)
You can find some of our stuff over at the siteof the publisher of the New Haven Advocate(mostly Jeff's book reviews.)
More archives:
A somewhat squirrely look at thegoings-on at a Big, Important Internet powow (Advocate, 8/96), and
Netiquette and Things Not to TellYour Mom ...(Advocate, 7/96.) Also:
Nicole's review of Laura Lisle's WithoutChild: Challenging the Stigma of Childlessness (American Reporter, 7/96.)
The Net Gods Must beCrazy, Tales from the Bitstream, (New Haven Advocate and Elsewhere, 3/96.)
A Revisionist Historyof Snow in New England, by Nicole (Voice, 2/96.)
Science as a Candlein the Dark, A review of Carl Sagan's latest book by Jeff (American Reporter,3/96.)
Onward and upward (Yes, we've been at thisawhile.)
All articles copyright1995-1998
You can reach us by e-mail at: jeffbot at this domain
Some of our Favorite Places:
A footnote ... Jeff's first book, Beauty from Afar, was published in 2006.
The address, again, is jeffbot at this domain. You can figure it out from that ...