The Schult Reunion Page (click here for bad movie)
Thanks especially to Linda (Meyer) Tintle, who
tracked us all down and got a record 86 Schults, in-laws, outlaws and wannabes to show up
at her place on July 11, 1998. I won't even pretend that I remember everyone's name, and
how the puzzle all fits together -- but I promised I would make pictures available
A.S.A.P., so here they are.
With everyone's help, I'll expand this over the coming weeks, days, months and years. We can divide it into sections by family branch, or whatever. It's not as though we don't have enough geeks in the family to help out. So pass along pictures and editorial contributions and suggestions to:
Jeff Schult 9-12 King Arthur's Way Newington, CT 06111 (860) 667-1485
I have 50-odd (some VERY odd) pictures. Here's the drill, for those who don't know: Clicking on the little picture (the "thumbnail," so called because of its size) will open up the full-size photo. You can print or save the picture to your hard drive from there.
I divided them up into five pages of thumbnails, in no particular order other than chronologically as they were taken. New as of Oct. 1, 1998 -- I finally got around to scanning the wide-angle shots Jean sent. Click on the little pictures to see them full-size. They're about 175k each in size.
on either photo to see it at full size.